Our Anti-Bullying Philosophy
Manhattan Catholic Schools implemented the Olweus Anti-bullying Program two years ago. Jenna Rook, MCS Counselor, is the Olweus Coordinator for the school. Any concerns or questions about the program should be directed to Ms. Rook. If you feel your child is being bullied, please contact the homeroom teacher to discuss the incident and/or Ms. Rook at jrook@manhattancatholicschools.org to file a report. You may also contact the principal to file a report. Remember, not all incidents are bullying incidents. There is conflict in every social environment that usually can be de-escalated by the homeroom teacher. Please read below or the Parent-Student Handbook for more information.
Based on our philosophy that Catholic Schools has been established to provide an environment of faith, which brings all of life together within the grace and love of God, we have established the anti-bullying policy set forth. The Salina Diocese Catholic Schools views bullying as unchristian behavior, and it will not be tolerated. We define bullying as an act which:
1. repeatedly hurts another individual either
a. physically (such as pushing, hitting, kicking, spitting, or any other use of violence, taking items from, forcing to do something unwillingly), etc.
b. verbally (such as teasing, name-calling, sarcasm, threatening, spreading rumors), etc.
c. indirectly (such as excluding, being mean, tormenting, using hurtful gestures, making hurtful written comments), etc.
d. through use of technology (such as cyber bullying – using technology to hurt others through any communication device such as e-mail, cell phone, camera, chat rooms, text messaging, or websites), etc.
2. is deliberate and sustained
3. is intended to isolate, hurt, or humiliate another individual
4. is unprovoked
The goal of Salina Diocese Catholic Schools anti-bullying policy is to ensure that all students experience a safe, Christian environment that is conducive to learning. The following steps will be taken when dealing with bullying incidents:
1. Isolated or initial incidents which do not constitute bullying will be handled by the teacher in charge at the time of the incident. Depending on the severity of the incident, the principal and/or parents may be notified. Disciplinary guidelines set forth in the school handbook will be followed.
2. Whenever possible, any incidents which may constitute bullying should be reported immediately to the teacher in charge at the time of the incident. The teacher in charge at the time of the incident will immediately deal with those involved in the incident.
3. In some cases, students may choose to report the incident to a different adult in the building, such as their homeroom teacher. If so, students are encouraged to report as soon as possible following the incident(s).
4. The principal or teacher in charge should be made aware of any bullying incidents. Students engaging in bullying behavior will be disciplined according to the school discipline policy. Depending on severity and length of incident, parents may be notified.
5. If the bullying does not cease after the student has been disciplined, parents will be notified, and further action will be taken according to the school discipline policy.
In addition to the above outlined steps, anti-bullying policy requires the following:
1. Staff members of Catholic Schools should:
a. remain alert to signs of bullying and act promptly and firmly against it according to the school’s discipline policy
b. report incidents of bullying to the principal or teacher in charge, who will determine if further disciplinary action should be taken, and/or if parents should be notified
c. offer support and encouragement to students being bullied, including notifying parents, principal, and/or support staff as needed
d. encourage all students to refrain from bullying behavior, and encourage reporting of any bullying behaviors they witness
2. Parents of Catholic Schools students should:
a. report concerns of bullying behavior to their child’s appropriate teacher as soon as possible following the incident(s). If concerns are not handled sufficiently at this level, a report should be made to the building principal or teacher in charge as outlined in the grievance procedures of the school handbook
b. support the school’s anti-bullying policy and actively encourage their child to avoid bullying behavior
3. Students of Catholic Schools should:
a. report incidents of bullying they witness to the teacher in charge at the time of the incident, or to another staff member as soon as possible following the incident
b. whenever possible, stand up for the student being bullied, and refrain from joining in bullying behavior
c. treat others with the respect and dignity that is expected of any Catholic School student.